Thursday 16 April 2015


As a young child Hitler enjoyed 3 activities, which, to my opinion assisted to develop his leadership abilities; these were
  • he enjoyed "preaching" to the family at home
  • he enjoyed painting and drawing, deeming himself adept
  • he relentlessly played "cowboys and Indians" and later on war games, with his friends until they tired and he found others to play these games.
From these activities he developed the 3 areas where, in my opinion, his strengths wwere most evident.
This was probably his greatest attribute that propelled him into the hearts of the people. Donations into the Party Coffers came pouring in when he delivered an extemporaneous but emotionally charged speech 16 October 1919. His popularity grew and many would gather to listen to Hitler give a speech.
Hitler, being the Conservative Nationalist that he was, exploited the state of depression and hyperinflation  that Germany was suffering under and built a picture of a prosperous Germany, having ample Lebensraum, living space for the perfect society to grow and restore their National pride. Hitler saw that livingspace coming from a Jewish controlled Russia, which he aimed to annex.
Having stumbled on his fathers war books, Hitler became obsessed with the military strategy in those pages. This prepared him for his ruthless and meteoric rise to power. Some salient points were
  1. His decision to take power politically and not forcefully
  2. Transforming the Workers Party from a discussion group into a political party
  3. Becoming Chairman of the Party in 1921
  4. Runnning for election from 1930 to 1933 and eventually becoming chancellor in a coalition government with President Von Lindenberg
  5. By 1937, Hitler was ready to outline the plan for military aggression in Europe.
In all his political career, Hitler would deal ruthlessly with anyone who opposed him and was relentless in his quest to become the Dictator of Germany
According to me, Adolf Hitler is the greatest political leader of the 20th century. He was primarily a great orator. He always delivered powerful speeches. He knew how to manipulate the masses. According to

Hitler, "the masses are feminine and stupid. Only emotions and hatred can keep them under control". Once speaking to an audience, especially at the national level, he knew that the only way to get the people behind him is to preach nationalism. In politics, nationalism is the worst enemy of the state because nationalism always leads to war. Hitler was an extreme nationalist, abrasive and aggressive politician. He is the incarnation of machiavelism in practice. To keep the masses under control, he established a great propaganda system. He was charismatic, and a brilliant orator. By himself, he was able to shape an entire nation, which is not even his nation of birth. He changed the mentality of the German people. Adolf Hitler was also a ruthless and brutal leader. Knowing to be famous for his ability of attacking, Hitler did never hesitate to use coercion to keep the masses under control, to eradicate his opponents and to shut down any kind of form of coup d'état. As a politician, he was cold blooded and unpredictable. One of his main strengths that brought him into power. In political science, Adolf Hitler belongs to the school of Machiavelli.

Apparently he was a brilliant orator. It's hard for a non-German speaker to judge but his speeches had a real ability to touch the German people. Which is no mean achievement considering he wasn't even German himself. It takes a special kind of fervour to whip up patriotism and national pride when you're not even from that country.

He was also a man of extreme conviction, which you can clearly see in his speech giving even if you don't understand the language. In uncertain times people are drawn to those who are extremely sure of themselves and convinced of their own beliefs. Hitler wasn't the sort of guy who had any doubts about his mission or ability.

He was incredibly single minded. He didn't chase women, do drugs or abuse his power. He wasn't interested in using his position to gain wealth and personal adornments. He was really, really committed to making Germany the world's superpower and committing genocide.

He was ruthless. There are lots of political leaders in the world who would love to be able to dispose of their political enemies permanently but don't have the guts. Hitler was happy to have anyone who disagreed with him murdered and to dispose of his political enemies with either the threat of violence or actual violence. It definitely helped him to obtain and hold power.

As long as you're prepared to overlook his total lack of morals, barking insanity and inherently evil ideology he had all the hallmarks of a great leader.

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