Thursday 16 April 2015


Some Landmarks

·       Quwwat-ul-lslam mosque, Delhi— Qutub-ud-din Aibak.

·       Arhai Din Ka Jhopra, Ajmer—Qutb-ud-din Aibak.

·       Qutub Minar—lltutmish.

·       Alauddin Khilji was responsible for construction of Jamaat Khan Masjid at the Dargah of Nizamuddin

·        Auliya and Alai Darwaja at Qutub. The other monuments at Delhi were city of 5//”/ and the Hauz-i-Alai or

·        Hauz-i-Khas tank. He also constructed palace ol thousand pillars called Hazar Situn.

·        Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq founded the city of Tughlaqabad.

·        Muhammad Tughlaq founded the small fortress of Adilabad and city of Jahanpanah.

·        Firoz Shah Tughlaq was responsible for the foundation of cities of Jaunpur. Fathehabad and Hisar Firuza. A.

·        Delhi he built the palace fort of Firozabad.

·        The best examples of architecture during the period of Sayyid and Lodhi kings are the tombs of kings and nobles, the most important among them being the tombs of Bare Khan and Chore Khan, Bara Gumbad, Shish
·        Gumbad, the tomb of Sbihab-ud-din Taj Khan, Dadi ka Gumbad and Port ka Gumbad.

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